Monday, April 19, 2010

What is it you would let go of today?

"Even though you may want to move forward in your life, you may have one foot on the brakes. In order to be free, we must learn how to let go. Release the hurt. Release the fear. Refuse to entertain your old pain. The energy it takes to hang onto the past is holding you back from a new life. What is it you would let go of today?" - Mary Manin Morrissey

I posted this quote last month cause it really made me think. I went back to it today and can't seem to get it off my mind. I kept reading it over and over again. Is it really possible that while I am trying to move forward in life, that I can't because I have one foot on the breaks? Am I free? What do I need to do to let go and truly be free? So, as I tend to do, I dissected each individual part of the quote and turned it into questions. I asked myself and answered each question. I truly took a few minutes to contemplate it and wrote a few down. It was like a counseling session with myself.

"Release the hurt."

What is it that has hurt me? Why am I holding on to the hurt? How do I release the hurt?

"Release the fear."

What am I afraid of? What is causing these fears? Are my fears irrational? Can I get past the fears and really be free?

"Refuse to entertain your old pain."

What are my old pains? How long have I been entertaining these pains when I should be letting go of them? Why do I allow them to hang around?

"What is it that you would let go of today?"

Wow...what would I let go of today? I would let go of my anger. I would let go of my insecurities. I would let go of feelings of failure. I would let go of the hurt.

Scratch that....
I WILL let go of my anger. I WILL let go of my insecurities. I WILL let go of feelings of failure. I WILL let go of the hurt.
I WILL be free!!!

I REFUSE to use all my energy to hang onto the past. I REFUSE to let it hold me back from a new life. I REFUSE to keep going through life with my foot on the brakes.

Watch out world cause I am taking my foot off the brakes and stepping on the gas!

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